Matching exercise (by Juan Luis Serrano Pedrosa).

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Thales of Mileto.
William Gilbert.
Otto Von Guericke.
Benjamin Franklin.
Alessandro Volto.
Hans Christian Oersted.
Michael Faraday.
Thomas Alva Edison.
Nicola Tesla.
He discovered that when we rubbed ambar with a piece of wool or fur the ambar attracted straw and feathers.
He used the word electricity for the first time. He discovered the Earth is a giant magnet.
He invented the first electric generator which produced static electric with a globe.
He proved the ligthning is a form of electricity.
He built the first battery. This produced the first flow of electricity.
He discovered electromagnetism.
He buitl the first electromotor.
He developed the first incandescent light bulb.
He introduced the alternating current generator which produced the distribution of electricity.