What city was invaded in 476 DC?
- The city of Madrid.
- The city of Rome.
- The city of Paris.
- The city of London.
Who invaded the city of Rome in 476 DC?
- The Romans.
- The Visigoths.
- The barbarians.
- The Suebi.
When did barbarians invade Rome?
- In 476.
- In 507.
- In 1492.
- In 711.
Who was a barbarian?
- A Roman.
- Anyone living inside the Empire.
- A germanic tribe.
- Anyone living outside the Empire.
What is the feudalism?
- The feudalims was a discovery.
- The feudalims was a new social, economic and political system in the Middle Ages.
- The feudalims was a new culture system in the Middle Ages.
- The feudalims was the main economic activity in the Middle Ages.
What was the main economic activity in the feudalism?
- The main economic activity was the agriculture.
- The main economic activity was the industry.
- The main economic activity was the mining.
- The main economic activity was the fishing.
Who was the bourgeoisie?
- The bourgeoisie was a new social group in Rome.
- The bourgeoisie was a new social group of artisans.
- The bourgeoisie was a new social group of barbarians.
- The bourgeoisie was a new social group emerged in the Middle Ages.
Name two groups beloging to bourgeoisie.
- The barbarians and the romans.
- The merchants and the miners.
- The merchants and the artisans.
- The artisans and the miners.
What was the most important discovery in the Middle Ages?
- The most important discovery in the Middle Ages was the wheel.
- The most important discovery in the Middle Ages was the discovery of America.
- The most important discovery in the Middle Ages was the iron.
- The most important discovery in the Middle Ages was the discovery of the fire.
When was discovered America?
- America was discovered in 1492.
- America was discovered in 1402.
- America was discovered in 476.
- America was discovered in 711.