What was the name of the small independent kingdoms during the caliphate?
- The calipahte of Cordoba.
- Taifas.
- Las Navas de Tolosa.
- Al-Andalus.
Where were the Muslims defeated by the Christan?
- In Las Navas the Tolosa.
- In Granada.
- In Cordoba.
- In Toledo.
How did the Muslims call the Iberian Peninsula?
- Taifas.
- The caliphate of Cordoba.
- Al-Aldalus.
- Las Navas de Tolosa.
Name two products brought to Europe by the Muslims.
- The paper and the soup.
- The gunpowder and the bulb.
- The wheel and the paper.
- The gunpowder and the paper.
When did the Christians take over the last territory of al-Andalus?
- In 1492 AD.
- In 711 AD.
- In 1212 AD.
- IN 756 AD.