What is the name of the smallest unit of life?
- Macroscopic thing.
- Tissue.
- Microorganism.
- Cell.
What are the vital functions of a cell?
- Reproduction and interaction and cells.
- Nutrition and reproduction.
- Reproduction, interaction and nutrition.
- Microorganisms and macroscopic things.
What types of cell are there?
- Two
- Three.
- Four.
- One.
What instrument is used to observe a cell?
- The telescope.
- The metre.
- The microscope.
- The glasses.
The main parts of a cell are...
- The membrane, the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
- The membrane, the cell wall and the cytoplasm.
- The membrane, the chloroplasts and the cytoplasm.
- The chloroplasts.
Chloroplast are green organelles into...
- Plant cells.
- Animal cells.
- The nucleus.
- The macroscopic things.
What part of a cell is a viscous liquid?
- The cell wall.
- The cytoplasm.
- The nucleus.
- The chloroplasts.
What part of the cell contains the material to reproduce?
- The cell membrane.
- The nucleus.
- The organelles.
- The chloroplasts.
The outer part of a cell is the...
- The cell membrane.
- The cytoplasm.
- The nucleus.
- The chloroplasts.
What part of the cell does take part in the interaction function?
- The cell membrane.
- The cytoplasm.
- The nucleus.
- The chloroplasts.